Each day in many of our lives, we are busy, running around, we are here to help you relax a little. We do not claim to be something we are not nor do we wish to make people to come to something they do not want to come to. We are here as we are, if you like it tell others, if you don’t: you likely came to the wrong place.
Each cabin in all its imperfections was built by us with our own hands. We have not taken help or even been offered help from any government department. We are loan free and obligation free.
The only outside help, and we did not ask for it, but will always be grateful; is the Renewable Energy System that we have. That was a series of 16 Pilot Projects done in Meghalaya by the Meghalaya Non-Conventional and Renewable Energy Department.
We spent 2 months (Dec and January) of 2010, as a family; our youngest son was 8 months old, building the first cabin. We stayed in tents, enjoying the cold temperatures and working in the day. This was done before we had power. After that we got power and were able to build faster.
Now we keep improving on what has been build, it is not our goal to make a big commercial property. For all the business people or want to be resort owners, who suggest we make a road, put a big sign, add more cabins: we may or may not do some of them, but even if we do it will be at our pace.
If coming to a place and realizing it is quiet and peaceful, but at the same time suggesting that it was difficult to find and we should put a Big Sign near the road, or coming to a place in an expensive Scorpio or other SUV and saying we should make a better road; then it is not what we are, and maybe you took a wrong turn way down near the Umiam Lake and should have gone to a ‘Resort.’
‘Tread softly, lest you destroy that which you so desperately seek’